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Dotdigital For Dynamics: Putting The Marketer In The Driver Seat

Dotdigital is a customer experience data platform (CXDP) developed for marketers to drive meaningful conversations across multiple channels.

Hi, my name’s Niels Kolijn and I’m the senior partnerships manager over at Dotdigital

Dotdigital is a customer experience data platform (CXDP) developed for marketers to drive meaningful conversations across multiple channels. It was really hard to fit more buzzwords in that sentence, so allow me to break it down for you in this intro to Dotdigital…

Oh, You Guys Do Email Marketing, Right?

A question we get quite often.

And whilst it’s not entirely wrong, it’s not correct entirely either. Yes, email is a channel you can find within our platform but the true power of Dotdigital lies within the CX part of CXDP.

We start by allowing organizations to bring all of the relevant customer data together in one place, and we add interactions and engagement across multiple channels to it.

Big deal, that’s what any database does, you might be thinking.

But this is where the CX part kicks in. Dotdigital turns that data into valuable insights to help marketers be more personal in their approach to their customers, donors, staff, or members.

Marketers can use that information to be more targeted with email. But the key idea is that your brand increases its relevance by using a cross-channel approach. This can include SMS, WhatsApp, Live Chat, retargeting on social media or via Google Ads, and many more options.

Dotdigital’s single customer view provides valuable insights for marketers to personalize their messaging.

Dotdigital’s Single Customer View; surfacing valuable insights for marketers to personalise their messaging

Why Dotdigital For Dynamics: Customer Experience

Let’s start with what matters: your customer (member, donor, client) and the experience you’re providing to them.

There are tons of stats out there telling us that experience matters.

A personalised experience is no longer nice to have, but thanks to the likes of Netflix, Spotify, and Google, your audience simply expects a tailored experience. All of that starts with data.

And whilst I’m writing this I’m wondering out loud if there’s a word that us marketers have gotten more tired of in recent years. A.I is giving it a serious attempt, but anyway, yes we’re going to talk data for a second.

When big brands discuss experiences, it sounds simple.

However, back at our desks, piecing together the customer journey reveals that we rely on various touchpoints: social media interactions, downloads, browsing behaviour, clicks, conversations with fundraisers or support staff, and offline data.

This is where Dotdigital comes in. I mentioned earlier, this goes beyond just sending emails; it’s about:

  • Combining your customer data onto a single customer view to get a holistic view of them
  • Using that data to surface valuable findings and insights to help you drive those personalised experiences

If you’re a non-profit organization, wouldn’t it be helpful to understand the causes or initiatives that resonate with your donors?


It would also be valuable to have information about the total donations made by a contact, as well as insights into the merchandise purchased in your web shop.

This is where Dotdigital comes in, empowering marketers to create meaningful experiences.

We also strive to make working with data more enjoyable.

Why Dotdigital For Dynamics: The Tech

As a Dynamics user, you have one of two ways to send direct communications to your audience, either “native” marketing automation solution (operated from within the CRM) or a tool that integrates at a very basic level.

This often leads to a lot of manual work and gaps in your single customer view.

Dotdigital is the perfect hybrid solution.

The connector is installed within your Dynamics instance and pushes relevant contact, lead, or account data into Dotdigital. Within Dotdigital, marketers can combine that data with things like browsing behaviour, click behaviour and transactional data.

And that can be used to further segment your audience to personalise the approach across the channels available.


It doesn’t stop there because all interactions that are recorded in Dotdigital are pushed back into Dynamics to provide Dynamics users with a complete engagement timeline, updated contact scores, marketing preferences, and opt-in statuses amongst others.

Finally, another advantage of this hybrid approach is that we can seamlessly integrate with your other platforms such as Shopify, Trustpilot, Eventbrite and much more.

This allows you to combine and utilise your valuable CRM data as you see fit in Dotdigital.

Why Dotdigital For Dynamics: Aligning Sales And Marketing

You’re managing a marketing team and your marketing strategy produces an impressive number of marketing qualified leads, only to be rejected or partially worked by sales, due to the lack of context.

Or… you’re running acquisition campaigns to support the organization’s growth but getting access to the right data and segments is near impossible, manual work, or relies on the CRM team and their agenda.

Sounds familiar?

Especially in times of tight budgets, there’s pressure on marketing teams to show their value add, and report on ROI for campaigns and tools, so MQLs not being accepted or worked properly isn’t just a buzz kill, it’s a waste of time and valuable resources and can cause friction between marketing and sales teams.

This is where Dotdigital comes in.


Because of the hybrid approach of Dotdigital we allow sales and marketing teams to work towards common goals. Marketers are in full control over the data that comes into Dotdigital from Dynamics to build relevant segments for better personalization, yielding better results; better targeting, more relevant messaging, more engaged customers, and higher conversion rates.

In turn, the Dotdigital connector will feed valuable data back into Dynamics to provide the sales teams with a full overview of all actions taken by a contact that leads to the point of an MQL, giving all the context needed to drive relevant conversations.

Anything Else?

Why yes actually… thanks for asking!

Whilst technology plays a significant role, it’s the people that truly make a difference.

We provide award-winning support 24/5, assign a Customer Success Manager to each client, and have multiple expert teams available to assist with deliverability, custom APIs, template designs, accessible template creation (WCAG compliant), and much more.

FormusPro x Dotdigital

An obvious collaboration, as marketing teams in many different sectors choose Dotdigital; non-profit, membership, education, government, financial institutions and corporate services, and plenty more.

Together with FormusPro we can really align sales and marketing teams. It all starts with accessible, relevant data sets that empower the marketer to drive valuable and relevant conversations.

If you’re interested to learn more, get in touch with your Formus Pro contacts and they’ll be happy to share how other customers benefit from using Dotdigital and watch a demo.

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