UK: +44 1432 345191


Helping NonProfits manage donors, volunteers and staff with a single solution.

We understand that the right technology, at the right time, can predict and reduce donor churn, better onboard volunteers, manage events, track and forecast budgeting whilst keeping everyone from your front line staff to your trustees happy. 

Discover how other NonProfits are embracing digital transformation to help change the world. 

Omnichannel Enabled CRM’s

We understand people are different and will want to engage with you in a variety of ways.

Email, phone, contact forms, social media, text, WhatsApp, JustGiving – All that information needs to be captured and stored to improve engagement, whilst still being GDPR compliant.

Dynamics 365 NonProfit Accelerator

The D365 NonProfit Accelerator and Common Data Model for NonProfits helps organisations eliminate data silos, empowering powerful insights to be gleaned from their data.

Designed by Microsoft, FormusPro is dedicated to working with NonProfits to develop solutions based on entities and attributes that are commonly used for constituent management, fundraising, awards, program delivery and impact tracking.


These entities include, donor commitments, designations, transactions, awards, disbursements, delivery frameworks, results, indicators, benefit recipients and more. The NonProfit accelerator provides a uniform platform for NfPs who wish to connect, embed, or extend the Dynamics 365 platform and Microsoft Power Platform and benefit from integration with Common Data Model for Nonprofits.

Get Started With NonProfit Tech To Move Your Mission Forward Faster

Save on Microsoft solutions—including Azure, Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, and more. You don’t have to decide on your solutions today, you can choose once you’ve been officially approved. To get started, reach out and we’ll take care of everything for you.

NonProfit News



A demo of in-development software to the customer for review and feedback.

End User

A person using a system, typically on a regular basis for everyday tasks within their job function.

Back End

The area of a piece of software that does is not intended to be visible to its users and will not typically have a visual user interface. Is usually responsible for the logic and data storage of an application.

Little Princess Trust

The Little Princess Trust (LPT) identified the need for digital transformation, which would take the form of a system encompassing almost all areas of the organisation.

The system needed to be intuitive, integrate with other services, consolidate disparate information and create a sustainable and extensible solution for use well into the future.

FormusPro Have


offices globally

Staff Retention


over 12 years

Speak To An Expert

To find out about how we create systems around the Microsoft D365 platform or to ask us about the specific industry focused digital management systems we create, get in touch.

Tel: +1 (727) 231 6096

A quick call might be all you need, but just in case it isn’t, we’re happy to go a step further by popping by to see you.

Just ask.
