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Behind The Scenes @ FormusPro With Our New Support Manager

I started here at FormusPro about three months ago as their (our) new Support Manager.

Hi, I’m Dave and I started here at FormusPro about three months ago as their (our) new Support Manager.

That means it’s my job to make sure all our clients (you) receive a top tier service from our support teams.

Before FormusPro I was working with another Microsoft Gold Partner supporting their customers with their Project Online and SharePoint solutions, before being promoted to Service Desk Manager, and being charged with the target of continual improvement.

Something I’m excited to continue and expand upon here at FormusPro.

If you’re reading this, I’m sure one of the big things you want to know is, ‘what’s it like’ working at FormusPro?

For me at least, the most noticeable thing I’ve found about working here is the open-ness of the company. Even in just my first three months, I’ve gotten to work with such a wide range of incredible and skilled people, forging strong relationships due to the collaborative nature of everyone that works here.

I’ve also been given the chance to revamp all our internal IT processes and technology which, let’s face it, is hugely exciting!

It also helps that I’ve landed at another Microsoft Partner, as I love working with the Microsoft stack.

One of the coolest things I’ve ever built was an end-to-end internal support satisfaction process utilising Forms, Power Automate, SharePoint, and PowerBI. The form would anonymously record the user’s response to a number of questions, and once a response came in, it was recorded in SharePoint list, and that would fire an email off to all relevant stake holders.

I’m also quite proud of the Power BI report I built that could be filtered by Financial Year and year half to show:

  • Response rate
  • Average score per question
  • Average score per question per department
  • A line graph of average score per year half over time
  • A page that showed free-text feedback, filterable on if it was positive or negative

It was cool because not only did I do it design, create, and implement it on my own, using multiple different Microsoft technologies, but it also worked exactly as planned, and the output was then utilised by the Senior Leadership to see a steady increase in internal support satisfaction.

Outside of work I’m a huge Ice Hockey fan and can usually be found watching the Dallas Stars play late in the night (damn time zones!) or watching the Guildford Flames play live if I fancy something slightly more local!

I’m also a huge video game fan and always happy to talk about my favourite games and latest releases but if I’m not watching Ice Hockey or gaming, you can probably find me using my Natural Trust membership, going for long walks, surrounded by beautiful scenery (Lake District being a personal favourite!).

Finally, to round this interview off, the Marketing team asked me, if I could invite any three famous people, alive or dead, to a dinner party… who would it be and why?”

First choice for me is easy… it would be Mike Modano, one of the all-time great Ice Hockey players for the Dallas Stars as I’d love to both interrogate him about his illustrias career, but also just to meet him!

My second and third guests would be a duo… Adrian Edmondson and Rik Mayall.

Bottom was always my favourite TV show and I think I could spend a lot longer than a single dinner party quoting (and maybe reenacting) my favourite scenes with them.

Juvenile I know… but highly enjoyable!

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