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Curbing Complexity or… What Is Process Automation?

Exploring the possibilities of process automation to increase efficiency and free up staff from manual, repetitive tasks

When it comes to businesses and tech, we all face an increasing and often overwhelming number of complex processes.

Whether it’s managing data, handling repetitive tasks or orchestrating intricate workflows, the challenges of complexity can be a significant roadblock to efficiency and productivity. However, there’s a game-changer that promises to revolutionise the way we work… Process Automation.



At its core, process automation is a groundbreaking technology that aims to simplify, optimise, and streamline various tasks and processes. By leveraging automation, businesses can reduce human intervention, minimise errors, and ensure smoother operations.

But what exactly is process automation and how does it contribute to simplifying complexity?


Understanding Complexity in Modern Workflows

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the processes and workflows that govern various industries have grown insanely complex. From large-scale enterprises to SMEs to start-ups, every organisation grapples with intricate procedures, vast data sets, and multifaceted tasks.

And before we move on to automating your processes, it’s vital to understand the nature and challenges of complexity in modern workflows.


  • Interconnected Systems: In the digital age, businesses rely heavily on interconnected systems and software to manage their operations. These systems almost always need to communicate with each other, leading to complex data flows and dependencies. Keeping track of these interactions and ensuring seamless integration can be daunting, especially as organisations expand and their technology ecosystems grow.
  • Data Overload: With the advent of Big Data, organisations are inundated with massive amounts of information. Extracting any kind of meaningful insight from all that noise is a daunting task, and manual processing is not only time-consuming but also error prone. Making data-driven decisions requires sophisticated analysis, adding another layer of complexity to workflows.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Various sectors have to adhere to strict regulatory requirements. Ensuring compliance with these regulations involves following precise procedures and documenting every step of the process. Failure to comply can lead to severe consequences, making compliance management an essential but intricate aspect of modern workflows.
  • Repetitive Tasks: Many workflows involve recurring and repetitive tasks that consume valuable time and resources. These mundane activities are prone to errors and can be a significant source of frustration for employees. Finding ways to optimise and automate these tasks can free up valuable human resources for more creative and strategic endeavours.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Complex workflows often involve multiple teams and stakeholders working collaboratively. Coordinating these efforts, ensuring effective communication, and maintaining visibility across different departments can be a challenging.
  • Adaptability to Change: In today’s dynamic business environment, workflows must be adaptable to change. As new challenges and opportunities arise, organisations need to be able to adjust their processes swiftly and efficiently. Managing these changes seamlessly however adds another layer of complexity to modern workflows.
  • Customer Experience and Expectations: Delivering an exceptional customer experience is a top priority for any businesses. But… meeting customer expectations requires well-orchestrated workflows that respond to inquiries, resolve issues promptly and ensure customer satisfaction. Too much complexity in customer-facing processes can directly impact a company’s reputation and bottom line.


To thrive in this complexity-driven landscape, businesses need to adopt innovative solutions that simplify and optimise their workflows. That’s where process automation comes into play.

Further reading

    The Azure Approach To Legacy Migration
  • Best Practice For Microsoft D365 CE Implementations
  • 5 New D365 Features

What Is Process Automation?

Process automation is a cutting-edge technology that lets businesses and individuals automate boring, repetitive and manual tasks, streamline complex workflows and optimise operations with minimal human intervention.

It involves the use of software, algorithms and AI to execute repetitive processes, data handling, and decision-making, reducing the need for human effort and intervention.

Reducing it down to its basics, process automation revolves around identifying repetitive, rule-based, and time-consuming tasks and then devising mechanisms to automate them efficiently.

These tasks can span various domains, including data entry, report generation, customer support, inventory management and much, much more.


Types of Process Automation

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): RPA involves using software robots or “bots” to mimic human actions within a digital system. These bots can interact with applications, capture data, perform calculations, and execute tasks just like a human operator. RPA is ideal for automating repetitive and rule-based processes, providing a significant boost in efficiency and accuracy.
  • Business Process Automation (BPA): BPA focuses on automating entire business processes or workflows. It involves a more holistic approach, integrating various steps and systems to create an end-to-end automated process. BPA aims to improve productivity, reduce errors, and enhance the overall efficiency of complex business operations.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Automation: AI and ML-powered automation go beyond rule-based tasks. These technologies enable systems to learn from data, recognise patterns and make intelligent decisions without explicit programming. AI-driven automation can be applied to tasks such as predictive analytics, natural language processing and decision-making, revolutionising how businesses operate.


Benefits of Process Automation

You can probably already see many of the benefits that could come with process automation, but in the spirit of being thorough:


    • Enhanced Efficiency: By automating time-consuming and repetitive tasks, businesses can accelerate their operations, significantly reducing processing times and increasing output.
    • Improved Accuracy: Automation minimises the risk of human error, ensuring a higher level of accuracy and precision in various processes, which is particularly crucial for critical tasks like financial calculations and compliance.
    • Cost Savings: By reducing the need for human intervention and streamlining operations, process automation can lead to substantial cost savings.
    • Scalability: Automated processes can easily scale to handle larger workloads without adding significant resources, making them ideal for growing businesses.
    • Better Resource Allocation: Employees can focus on higher-value tasks that require creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking, whilst repetitive tasks are handled by automation.
  • Consistency and Standardisation: Automation enforces consistent workflows and adherence to predefined rules, ensuring a higher level of standardisation throughout the organisation.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Faster response times and accurate data processing translate to better customer service, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Key Components Of Process Automation

Process automation is a multifaceted approach that encompasses various components, each playing a crucial role in its successful implementation and execution.

Understanding these is essential for any business looking to leverage automation to simplify complexity and optimise their workflows effectively (or you could just message and get me to do it for you!).


Automation Tools and Platforms

At the heart of process automation are the tools and platforms that facilitate the creation and execution of automated tasks.

These tools will vary depending on the type of automation being implemented, such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) platforms, Business Process Management (BPM) software, or specialised Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning frameworks.


Process Mapping and Design

Before diving into automation, a crucial step is to map out and design all existing processes.

Process mapping involves documenting the various steps, inputs, outputs, and dependencies of a workflow. This visual representation helps identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas where automation can provide the most significant impact.

A well-designed automated process considers factors like exception handling, error recovery, and decision-making logic. The process needs to be flexible enough to adapt to any changes in business requirements and external factors.


Data Integration and Connectivity

In complex workflows, data often flows between multiple systems and applications.

To automate these processes successfully, seamless data integration and connectivity are essential. Automation tools should have the capability to interact with different software, APIs, databases, and cloud services.

Data integration ensures that information is accurately transferred between systems, minimising the chances of data discrepancies and improving the overall accuracy of the automated process.


Workflow Orchestration

In business processes that span multiple steps and involve various stakeholders, workflow orchestration becomes vital. This component ensures that each task is executed in the correct sequence and that the overall process runs smoothly.

Workflow orchestration platforms allow businesses to define and manage complex workflows, assigning tasks to appropriate individuals or bots, tracking progress, and handling exceptions. Effective orchestration minimises bottlenecks and ensures that the entire process operates efficiently.


Security and Compliance Measures

As process automation involves handling sensitive data and critical operations, security and compliance measures are of utmost importance. Automation solutions must incorporate robust security protocols to safeguard data, prevent unauthorised access and protect against cyber threats.

Moreover, businesses operating in regulated industries need to ensure that their automated processes comply with industry-specific regulations and standards. This includes data privacy regulations like GDPR, financial compliance standards, and other relevant laws.


Continuous Improvement

Process automation isn’t a one-and-done task. It can’t be.

Continuous monitoring of automated workflows is crucial in identifying issues, bottlenecks or deviations from expected outcomes.

Performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) are essential for measuring the success of automation initiatives.


Feedback from end-users and stakeholders is invaluable for understanding the impact of automation on the organisation and identifying areas for improvement. Iterative refinements and updates to the automated processes are necessary to keep them aligned with changing business needs and evolving technologies.

By paying close attention to these key components, businesses can build robust and efficient process automation solutions that simplify complexity, enhance productivity, and foster innovation throughout their operations.

Implementing Process Automation In Your Workflows

Implementing process automation can be a game-changer for any businesses seeking to streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and / or reduce complexity.

However, successful implementation requires careful planning, collaboration (with me, nudge, wink), and a systematic approach.

Here’s my step-by-step guide to easily integrating process automation effectively into any workflow:


Identify Automation Opportunities

Start by identifying areas in your workflow that are prime candidates for automation.

Look for tasks or processes that your staff find repetitive, rule-based, time-consuming, or error-prone. These are the low-hanging fruits where automation can have an immediate impact on efficiency and accuracy.

Involve key stakeholders, department heads and most importantly… the employees who directly engage in the processes during this assessment. Their insights and experiences will offer invaluable perspectives on pain points and areas where automation can make a huge difference.


Set Clear Objectives and Goals

Determine the specific objectives and goals you want to achieve with process automation.

Are you aiming to reduce processing time, improve accuracy, cut operational costs, or enhance customer experience? Having clear goals will guide your automation strategy and help measure its success.

It’s essential to align the automation objectives with your overall business strategy to ensure that the initiatives contribute to your company’s long-term vision and growth.


Choose the Right Automation Tools

Selecting the right automation tools and platforms is critical for successful implementation. As I mentioned earlier, different types of automation, such as RPA, BPM, or AI/ML, have different use cases. Evaluate the capabilities of various tools and choose the ones that best fit your specific requirements and objectives.

Consider factors like ease of use, scalability, integration capabilities, and vendor support when making your decision.


Create a Proof of Concept (POC)

Before implementing automation on a large scale, I’d always recommend creating a Proof of Concept (POC) to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of your automation strategy. The POC should target a specific process or task within your workflow.

The POC allows you to test the automation tool’s capabilities, identify potential challenges, and gather feedback from users.

Use the insights from the POC to fine-tune your automation approach and address any concerns before full-scale deployment.


Process Mapping and Design

Once you have identified the processes to automate, create detailed process maps that outline each step, decision points, data flows, and dependencies. Collaborate with process owners and subject matter experts to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the existing workflow.

During the design phase, consider exception handling, error recovery and any potential variations in the process flow.

This step ensures that the automated process is robust and adaptable to different scenarios.


Pilot Implementation

Before rolling out automation across an entire organisation, I’d suggest conducting a pilot implementation in a controlled environment.

Select a smaller subset of processes or tasks to automate initially. This allows you to gain insights into how the automation functions in real-world scenarios without impacting the entire workflow.

Monitor the pilot closely, gather feedback from users and identify any unforeseen challenges or improvements that need to be addressed. Much like the POC, the pilot phase helps fine-tune the automation processes and builds confidence in the tech among stakeholders.

Train Employees and Empower Collaboration

Automation is most effective when employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills to work alongside automated processes.

Provide comprehensive training to relevant teams and individuals, ensuring they understand the new processes, their roles, and how automation benefits their work.

Encourage a culture of collaboration and open communication. Address any concerns or resistance to change proactively, emphasising that automation aims to complement human efforts, not replace them.

The real key to widespread implementation of process automation is bringing along the hearts and minds of the people whose repetitive tasks you’re automating.


Continuous Improvement

Once the pilot is successful, begin the phased rollout of automation across the entire organisation.


Monitor performance and collect data to measure the impact of automation on key metrics and KPIs then use this information to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve the automated processes.

Regularly engage with employees and stakeholders to gather feedback, identify new opportunities for automation and address any emerging challenges. Process automation is an ongoing journey, and continuous improvement ensures that it remains aligned with evolving business needs.


Ensuring Success In Wide-Spread Process Automation Adoption

Whilst it should be clear by now that process automation offers really wide range of benefits, the adoption journey won’t be without challenges.

Overcoming these hurdles is crucial in ensuring a successful implementation that maximises the potential of automation.


Resistance to Change

One of the biggest challenges in automation adoption is resistance to change amongst staff. Automation may be perceived as a threat to their jobs, a disruption to familiar routines or even as an insult.

Overcoming this resistance requires proactive communication and engagement.

What I tend to do: Involve employees from the beginning of the automation initiative.

Communicate the rationale behind the automation, emphasising that it aims to complement their skills and make their work more efficient. Provide training and support to build confidence in working alongside automation.


Complex Process Mapping

Mapping complex and intricate workflows accurately can be challenging.

In many organisations, processes won’t be well-documented or understood fully, making it difficult to identify automation opportunities.

What I tend to do: Invest time in thoroughly understanding existing processes.

Engage process owners and stakeholders to create comprehensive process maps. Use tools and techniques like Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) to visualise and document workflows effectively.


Data Integration Issues

Integrating data from various systems and sources can be complex, especially in legacy environments with outdated systems or disparate data formats.

What I tend to do: Prioritise data integration early in the automation process.

Invest in integration tools and platforms that facilitate seamless data transfer between different applications. Consider data cleansing and transformation to ensure data accuracy and consistency.


Lack of Automation Skills

Implementing automation may require specialised skills in programming, data analysis, or process design. The scarcity of these skills can hinder the adoption process.

What I tend to do: Provide training and upskilling opportunities for employees involved in the automation initiative. Consider partnering with external consultants or hiring automation specialists to support the implementation.


Selecting the Right Automation Tools

The abundance of automation tools in the market can be overwhelming, making it challenging to choose the most suitable ones for specific tasks or processes.

What I tend to do: Conduct thorough research and evaluations of different automation tools. Involve stakeholders and IT experts in the decision-making process. Consider factors like ease of use, scalability, integration capabilities, and vendor support when selecting tools.


Ensuring Security and Compliance

Automation introduces new security risks, particularly when dealing with sensitive data or critical business operations. That means ensuring compliance with relevant regulations is essential.

What I tend to do: Implement robust security measures and encryption protocols to safeguard data. Conduct security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities and address them promptly. Regularly review and update security policies to stay compliant with changing regulations.


Scaling Automation Effectively

As businesses grow, automation initiatives have be able to scale to handle larger workloads and increased complexity.

What I tend to do: Plan for scalability from the outset of the automation implementation.

Choose tools and platforms that can accommodate growing demands. Design processes with flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.


Measuring and Demonstrating ROI

Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of automation can be challenging, especially in the early stages when automation might coexist with manual processes.

What I tend to do: Define clear metrics to measure the impact of automation on productivity, accuracy, cost savings, and customer satisfaction ahead of time, then regularly monitor and report on these metrics to demonstrate the tangible benefits of automation.


Addressing Unforeseen Challenges

Despite careful planning, unforeseen challenges will almost always arise at some point during the implementation or after the deployment of automation.

What I tend to do: Embrace a culture of continuous improvement and agility. Encourage feedback from users and stakeholders to identify issues promptly. Be prepared to adjust automation strategies as needed to optimise outcomes.

By recognising these challenges and implementing appropriate strategies, businesses can overcome any obstacle in the process automation adoption journey.

Or, as I said at the start… you could always just call FormusPro and let us do the hard work for you…


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