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Behind The Scenes @ FormusPro As Head Of Projects

Hi all, I’m Tim and I’ve been Head of Projects here at FormusPro for nearly two years now and with FormusPro for three and a half years.


Basically, that means I oversee all our awesome Projects and work with a number of clients directly. I help to make sure we hit all our software build milestones for our clients, on time and to a high level.

I collaborate with both internal and external stakeholders, making sure we’re all on the same page every step of the way, keeping everyone happy throughout the lifecycle of a project and hopefully reducing some of the stuffiness that is associated with typical Project Managers.

Before joining FormusPro I spent about five years in the specialist manufacturing sector, delivering digital transformation projects to support rapid expansion within the company and before that I worked in Manages Services and Infrastructure… again with a big focus on digital transformation projects and support.


I think the thing I love most about my job is the fact that I get to work with some really fantastic people, all over the world and all doing amazing things… everyone here at FormusPro is pretty cool too!


Outside of work I love long hikes in the countryside, my motorbikes (especially my Yamaha MT10) and track days.

I also spend a lot of time as a volunteer at a local motorcycle charity as an observer, working with the riders on improving their riding as part of the IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists).


Rounding this off, the marketing team asked me, if I was hosting a dinner party and could invite any three famous people, alive or dead, who would it be and why?


I think I’d invite David Attenborough first as, how could you not? His stories from all over the world, from across his life would be spectacular!

Professor Brian Cox would be my second guest as the Infinite Monkey Cage podcast is one of my favourites to listen to, especially on long journeys, and I’m also a huge fan of his TV appearances discussing space and time.

Thirdly, well you know what, I like to think of myself as a bit of a rule breaker, so I’m not going to invite a third person, just enjoy Brian and Davids company all evening instead!


Written By:

Tim Snelson
Head Of Projects, FormusPro

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