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Behind The Scenes @ FormusPro As A Testing Consultant

Hi, my name’s Naveen and I joined FormusPro back in January ’23 as a Testing Consultant.


That means it’s my job to ensure the quality and reliability of the solutions we develop; from testing and evaluating Dynamics products right through to identifying and reporting any defects or issues that might affect the user’s experience.


Basically, it’s my job as a QA Test Analyst to make sure all our software and systems meet the highest level of standards, deliver a seamless user experience and contribute towards a business’ continued success.

Perhaps the most important part of my job though is effective collaboration with cross functional teams and stakeholders to make sure everybody is onboard and happy with what we do… what could be more important than making people happy?


Before FormusPro I worked over in the UAE on several big projects doing custom FM, CE/CRM and Fin-Ops Application testing. I also worked in Qatar in a procurement and contracts management role before ending up in the sunny ol’ UK! Obviously not sunnier than the Middle-east though. (Joking, I love it here, but I guess I could do without quite so much rain sometimes!)


I think the reason I like working at FormusPro so much though is that I enjoy tasks that challenge me on an intellectual level; they provide me with a sense of purpose. I’ve found working in roles that align with my personal interests have always been the most rewarding.


However, probably the biggest draw for me with my current role is how much FormusPro support continuous learning, offering so many different opportunities for professional development. It’s also a really supportive and collaborative work environment, where colleagues are respectful, communicative and work well together… Even when working remotely, I never feel alone. I also really appreciate the effort that goes into the work/life balance here, with FormusPro giving us all a SUPER flexible work environment.


Outside of work I like to think of myself as a family man so can normally be found playing with my kid or doing a family movie night. I’m also a huge fan of single person shooters like COD Battlefield if anyone ever fancies a game?


I’m pretty good at carpentry, love a good bit of DIY and can cook dozens of both North and South Indian vegetarian dishes (oh yeah… I’m vegetarian btw and always on the lookout for new recipes if you know any). Something most people don’t know about me is I can speak four different languages, or five if you include all the different animal noises I’ve had to master, which my kid loves to fall asleep to for some reason.


Finally, to round this blog off, the marketing team asked me, if I had to host a dinner party with three famous people, alive or dead, who would it be and why?


Aamir Khan would definitely be invited first as he’s a highly acclaimed actor, filmmaker, and social activist in Bollywood and is known for his versatility and commitment to meaningful cinema. Having him at the dinner party would be fascinating, as I think he’d provide valuable insights into filmmaking, his efforts in bringing social issues to light through his films and his experiences as a public figure actively involved in social causes.


Next would be the superstar, Rajni Kanth. He’s a legendary actor in the Indian film industry, known for his iconic roles and contributions to Indian cinema. He’s got a commanding presence and has been a cultural icon for decades. Having him at the dinner party would be an honour, as it’d provide an opportunity to hear his experiences, insights, and stories from his illustrious career. (For anyone not familiar with Kollywood, there’s also hundreds of Rajni Kanth memes similar to the Chuck Norris memes)… that’s how awesome he is.


My final guest though would have to be Albert Einstein. His theories revolutionised our understanding of the universe and I’d love to get the chance to discuss his ground-breaking scientific discoveries, his perspectives on the nature of reality and his insights into the intersection of science and philosophy in per



Written By:

Naveenchand Santhinathan
Testing Consultant, FormusPro

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