Hey, my name’s Simon and I’ve been a Senior Software Consultant here at FormusPro for just over four years now.
Well, I say Senior Software Consultant.
Technically I think I have the longest job title in the company as it’s officially Senior Software Consultant And Head Of New Product Development (I have very big business cards!).
That means I split my time between helping our customers with the delivery of their software solutions and overseeing the internal builds of our really cool products.
In fact, as I write this, me and the team are working on four new products that will soon be available to all our customers… so keep your eyes peeled!
It’s been an odd journey to get where I am now.
I started out studying Biosciences at university and then obviously took the next logical step and became a software consultant in the automotive industry.
I then spent the next six years there, learning how to consult, how businesses worked, how to configure and implement software solutions and how to work with data (and make data work for me), all whilst delivering software solutions to lots of different car dealerships.
From there I spent another six years (I seem to do things in multiples of six) as a software trainer and consultant, later becoming a technical consultant delivering Field Service Management software to all manner of industries (material handling, facilities management, medical supplies, air compressors, fire and security… basically any industry requiring field service engineers!)
That’s when I finally found my home at FormusPro.
I know it sounds cliché, but my favourite thing about working here is knowing that the systems I design and build are used for good. We do a lot of work in the NonProfit sector, and I love knowing I’m building software that’s genuinely saving people’s lives.
In fact, I’d say the coolest thing I’ve ever built was everything we’ve done for the amazing NonProfit, Anthony Nolan.
I’ve had the privilege of working on systems that are the basis for stem cell donor recruitment, umbilical cord donation and consent, medical questionnaires, and integrations with other global stem cell registries, amongst many, many other things.
I don’t think I even need to elaborate on why all of that is so cool but it’s 100% why I come to work in the morning smiling.
Outside of work I’m a bit of a foodie (and a drinkie if that’s a word?).
I love trying new food, craft beers, whiskies, and cocktails. I also have a home brewery in my garage and brew from scratch with raw ingredients with a couple of my mates/colleagues when the time allows.
Unfortunately, I’ve recently moved house and haven’t had time to set my entire brewery back up in full yet but hope to get back to it soon.
Finally, rounding this off, the marketing team (for what I’m sure is some weird psychological reason) asked me, if I was hosting a dinner party, and could invite any three famous people, alive or dead, who would it be and why?
Well… Tim Minchin goes straight to top of my list without question as he’s an actual genius.
But I’m struggling after that as I’m not really a huge fan of the cult of ‘celebrity’.
Maybe Greg Davies and little Alex Horne so we could do some weird tasks between courses?
That seems like a good answer, so I’m going to stick with that!
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Behind The Scenes @ FormusPro As A Junior Software Consultant
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Shell Store, Canary Drive, Rotherwas, Hereford, HR2 6SR
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Gemini House, Stourport Rd, Kidderminster DY11 7QL
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360 Central Avenue, Suite 800 St. Petersburg, FL 33701
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