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Behind The Scenes @ FormusPro With A Software Consultant

Hi, my name’s Nathan and I’ve been a software consultant here at FormusPro for just over two years now.

Software consultants tend to wear a lot of different hats but on any given day you’ll normally find me helping scope out, design and build out systems or enhancements within Dynamics 365 for our clients, but I also act as SCRUM master, leading and facilitating an internal team of developers and solution architects, as well as external stakeholders and consultants… all sharing the same goal of moving projects forward.

Including my two years with FormusPro, I’ve been a software consultant for about twelve years now, with a couple of years spent in procurement software and about eight years delivering Finance, HR and Asset Management software to the education sector (schools, colleges, academies etc.).


Probably my favourite thing about being a software engineer is getting to interact with all our awesome clients, building up the relationship over time, and problem solving my way through their software design requirements.

It also helps that I work with such a fantastic team… everyone’s always willing to help, and we’ve such a wide depth of knowledge across all areas of the Microsoft Stack that the answer is always in someone’s head somewhere.


Outside of work I’ve a son who’s quickly approaching three years old (far too quickly!) and a little girl due Christmas ’23 so I spend every minute I’m not working with him and my wife.


That said, once he’s asleep (by around 7:30pm-ish), I tend to go back to my old hobby, which is gaming… PC Gaming, Switch, PlayStation or even board games if I can get some friends or family together.

Luckily, my wife’s also a huge gamer so we often play together and she never minds that my gaming PC is hooked up to the living room TV!


Finally, rounding this little bio off, the marketing team asked me, if I had to host a dinner party, and could invite any three famous people, alive or dead, who would I invite and why…?


Well firstly, why would you pick anybody alive?

It’s completely possible I could just bump into them in the street tomorrow… why waste the invite?

No, they’d have to be people I’d have no chance of ever meeting.


So… my first dinner guest would be Ayrton Senna – an F1 legend from the era when racing was still insanely dangerous; as he unfortunately found out the hard way. It’d be amazing to talk to someone so passionate about his life though, what he’d do differently and what he’d do the same.

Second on my guest list would be Gunpei Yokoi, who invented the Ultra Hand (google it!) for Nintendo, went on to design the Game Boy and finally introduced the d-pad to the masses.

I think my final guest would be John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (that’s right, I know his full name!).

A true writing legend and I just wish he’d lived for many, many more years to give us an even deeper universe than the one he left us with.


Written By:

Nathan Trivett
Software Consultant, FormusPro

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