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Behind The Scenes @ FormusPro As A Cloud Developer

I joined FormusPro back in the October of ’22 as a junior software consultant before recently being promoted to cloud developer.

Hi, my name’s Laura and I’m a cloud developer here at FormusPro.

I joined FormusPro back in the October of ’22 as a junior software consultant before recently being promoted to cloud developer.

In fact, that’s one of the things I really like working here; we always try to promote internally where possible, spending a lot of time developing our existing talent as we believe it’s better to reward people who know and care for the business and our clients already.


The role of cloud developer is brand new to FormusPro (you read it here first) and means I’ll be on a development team to work more on the bespoke side of things for our clients.

We’ll be championing code quality to ensure everyone here is following our code style and guidelines.


That said, I still massively enjoy the functional consultant side of my role. Getting to interact with clients and ensuring we deliver a Microsoft-centric solution that not only meets, but always exceeds their needs.

More generally, my role up till now has been quite varied, working on anything and everything from graphic design to C#/JS development, to Dynamics CE configuration to copywriting.


A big reason for that I think is that before FormusPro I wore many different hats in many different fields.

I was an automotive electromagnetic compatibility engineer but I’ve also been a professional copywriter, jewellery salesperson, tech support, developer, and business analyst.

However, I’ve always pushed to work more on the coding and development side of things and have taken opportunities as they’ve been presented to me in my life thus far to move in that direction… hence, here I am!


I love the people at FormusPro and the variety of work I get to turn my hand to!

I love how friendly everyone is and how great it is to be part of a company that has a big impact on the world.

The variety of work is something that really motivates me as I enjoy a new day bringing a potentially completely new challenge for a new client.

Being able to deliver something to a new client and to see them happy is one of the best feelings there is!

It doesn’t hurt that I get to play with the entirety of the Microsoft stack on a daily basis too.

In fact, some of my favourite projects have been personal ones where I just got to play with Microsoft tech.

I’ve built a custom jukebox website, a market price shopping list calculator for a game I was a big fan of and a C# console app that calculates custom weather conditions in D&D’s Rime of the Frostmaiden

Actually, thinking about it, prior to FormusPro, I also designed a tool which created standardised PowerPoint decks from PDF files which saved a ton of time for my team.

Here at FormusPro though, I think the thing I enjoy most is the various Power BI reports I’ve put together.


As you’ve probably guessed, outside of work I quite enjoy RPG’s, like the recently released Baldurs Gate 3 but find I often don’t have too much time for games and end up flitting between different interests too often.

When the motivation does strike me, I like to sit down and put together a code project for whatever I’m really interested in at the time.

It also goes without saying I love my cat, G’raha and my fiancé, Alex.

Back to hobbies outside of work though, most recently, I’ve really gotten into Warhammer and have been putting together both an Adeptus Custodes army as well as a bunch of Chaos Knights.

The painting part is really fun and I’m enjoying listening to the Horus Heresy on audiobooks.

Yes… I’m a massive nerd, as a lot of us are here at FormusPro. You won’t struggle to find someone to geek out with!


Finally, finishing this blog off, the marketing team asked me, if I was hosting a dinner party and could invite any three famous people, alive or dead, who would I invite and why?


First guest would be Brandon Sanderson, my favourite author and for the same reason, Damon Albarn, lead vocals of Gorillaz and Blur. Gorillaz is my favourite music artist.

Finally, I think my last guest would be Satoshi Nakamoto… for no other reason than to find out who the inventor of Bitcoin actually is!


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