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Behind The Scenes @ FormusPro As A Technical Architect

I typically call myself a Technical Architect on a day-to-day basis (although I think it might say Solutions Architect on my contract) and that means that, ultimately, I’m here to be a problem solver!

Hi, my name’s Phil and I’m a Technical Architect here at FormusPro.

Technically (no pun intended), at the time of writing this, I’ve been with the company around eighteen months, but I also worked closely with FormusPro as a contractor for about nine months back in 2018 as well.

And if I’m honest (and I’m sure Glenn won’t mind me saying)… they’ve been nagging and chasing me to join since way back in 2015. I have to say though, I’m glad I’m finally here!

I typically call myself a Technical Architect on a day-to-day basis (although I think it might say Solutions Architect on my contract) and that means that, ultimately, I’m here to be a problem solver!


Now that could be as a solution architect (the high-level building blocks of a solution), as a business analyst (what actually is it that the client needs?) as a coder (getting right down into the nitty gritty) or even helping out on the support desk.

I’ve always happy to muck in wherever’s required. In fact, it’s one of the things I really love about working here.


We’ve an unwritten ‘no dickheads’ rule meaning there’s a flat hierarchy with everyone always happy to help out. It’s great to come to work without having to worry about a bunch of egos!


Site editors note: We were going to apologise for the language/edit this out but ultimately decided to not to/leave it in because:

  1. It’s true, and
  2. It made us laugh


I love being able to deliver customer satisfaction, knowing I’ve a boss who’s got all our backs.


I’ve been in IT since back in 1995 now so you can just imagine how many anacronyms I’ve seen come and go over the years! I’ve also got a master’s degree in AI from back before that was the big deal it is now (which makes me endlessly chuckle at the recent media fascination with it).

If I had to talk about my favourite bit of tech, I always go back to the mid-noughties’ web stuff. The really old school n-tier services etc… (if you know, you know). You really did need to understand every part of the system.

If fact, I’ve done something similar for some of our FormusPro clients. It’s always coolest when you get to use all the toys in the Power Platform cupboard, isn’t it?


Outside of work I love riding my motorcycle (and I’m training to become an advanced riding instructor) and of course, having my sanity tested by a warm and loving family.


Finally, to round this article off, the marketing team asked me if I had to host a dinner party, and could invite any three famous people (alive or dead), who would it be and why?


Good question!

My first guest would have to be Willam Shatner because… “I’d fight Willam Shatner” (again, if you know, you know). I guess he’d also be ok to have dinner with.

I’d also invite the director of the film the above quote is from, David Fincher. He’s made some fascinating subversive movies in his time, and I think it’d be really interesting to pick his brain about them.

Hmm, then a third guest…

Maybe, Mike ‘the bike’ Hailwood? He could regale us all with his crazy tales of doing the TT through the 50’s to the late 70’s.

He did the MotoGP equivalent and F1 racing!!!


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